2018 Election – Gilroy City Council: Tim Renggli wants to make downtown building easier

Published September 12, 2018 on GilroyLife.Com

Please click HERE for more 2018 Election local candidate statements

Tim Renggli

I am the best choice for Gilroy City Council because I am not a politician … I am an advocate for the city of Gilroy and all residents.

I love living in Gilroy and I believe that there are many great things going on in Gilroy, but there is plenty of room for improvement.

My priorities when elected are to expedite the development of downtown by simplifying and streamlining the planning and inspection process to attract new businesses and needed jobs to downtown Gilroy.

Also, adding a downtown park will be a tremendous asset to attract families and new developments to the downtown area.

When elected I will work to improve the quality of life in Gilroy by repairing roads, reducing traffic congestion, securing the funding to complete the 10th Street overpass and improving parking downtown by adding a parking garage and enforcing existing parking restrictions.

When elected I would like to see the city of Gilroy change from “at large” to “district” elections to allow better representation for all residents.

When elected I will work with the police and fire departments to  provide the necessary resources to reduce property crime, fight fires  and protect the community. Lastly, upgrading the conditions at the city owned Gilroy Golf Course and adding a dog park to the Gilroy Sports Park.

I proudly supported Measure H in 2016 and I will fight to keep the  measure from being weakened or replaced in the future.

I also am a supporter of smart controlled growth in the Hecker Pass Specific Plan.

When elected I will work on having properly designed and area specific developments in the Hecker Pass area. I consider myself fiscally conservative and I will vote “NO” for any tax increases or new assessments.

As a team of motivated citizens, Gilroy will achieve its full potential.

To contact my campaign to share your ideas, concerns or to volunteer you can reach me at [email protected] or call me at (510) 468-9207.

Thank you for your consideration.

On Nov. 6 — Vote Tim Renggli for Gilroy City Council.

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