Argument Against Valley Water Measure S
Measure S isn’t so safe. Vote no and hold Valley Water accountable
Upper Llagas Creek has flooded downtown Morgan Hill many times. The good news is that in 2019 flood protection construction started. When voters approved the current Safe Clean Water parcel tax in 2012, Valley Water stated the project would be completed in 2017. But now, after four delays in five years, the proposed completion date is 2024, adding more winters of flood risk.
Measure S proposes to take away voter accountability. It is an early renewal of the 2012 parcel tax — but while the current parcel tax ends in 2028 and requires voters to renew it, Measure S doesn’t have an end date and will continue until “repealed by voters.” In essence, Measure S takes away our right to vote on results and plans. If we’re not getting value from our precious tax dollars, we need the ability to vote no. Upper Llagas Creek is just one of many flood protection projects that have missed their original schedule.
There’s more. Measure S claims it is a renewal “without increasing rates.” But the rates increase by at least 2 percent, yearly. In 2012 the tax was $56, today $68, in 2036 at least $91. Do we want a never ending parcel tax that increases yearly?
Sadly, people living on small lots proportionally pay the most. While Measure S mentions $0.006 per square foot, anyone on a lot smaller than a quarter acre pays $68 next year. Owners of smaller lots should pay less.
Measure S, without an end date, is not sounding so safe. The good news is that it is safe to vote no. The existing measure lasts eight more years — and includes funding for Upper Llagas Creek and all other current projects including the Anderson Dam seismic retrofit. Demand a better measure and vote no.
Dave Warner is a A Vote No on Measure S Committee member and an advocate for accountability and transparency.