For Gilroy City Council: Danny Mitchell
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By Danny Mitchell

Danny Mitchell
I am running for city council to ensure our city’s bright future! I have the experience needed to help restore our momentum improving the quality life for residents and businesses in Gilroy. I am committed to our community and I can make tough decisions.
I grew a $3-million-company to a $30 million-company and all of the growing pains that go along with that growth. I developed and maintained annual budgets during this amazing growth run and managed the Finance and Accounting Departments as well as Administration and Human Resources.
I currently serve as Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Gilroy Elks Lodge — developing and implementing budget challenges for this nonprofit organization. I also serve as Vice Chair of Operations and Finance for the Gilroy Chamber of Commerce and I’m a four-year member of the Gilroy General Plan Advisory Committee for 2040.
Some of issues I see as significant for Gilroy are:
- Focus on fiscal recovery. We are facing budgetary challenges with revenue shortfalls and general fund cutbacks.
- We need to ensure public safety is properly funded to meet growing demands, sufficient staffing, equipment and facilities.
- Gilroy is proud to boast of its parks and recreation programs. We must rebuild budget resources for a quality of life experience.
How would I address these issues?
- With my financial background, I will confidently assess and work with all city resources and community leaders to overcome fiscal impact.
- We must address staffing needs, upcoming retirements, disabilities and union contract reconsiderations.
- I will champion to keep these areas from the cutting block as our families so enjoy the benefit of these community features of quality of life.
Being retired I have the time resource to dedicate to the city council. Staying up on the issues and being prepared are key components. I have been a leader and manager for most of my career. I feel this is what the city needs now to help recover from this huge budget shortfall.