Trustee Area 6: BC Doyle

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By BC Doyle

BC Doyle

The choice voters are facing this upcoming November is one that cannot be ignored. That is why I, BC Doyle, as a member seeking re-election for Gilroy’s school board, want to be a candidate that is as transparent as possible.

After I served in the Navy, I moved to Gilroy from San Diego in 1984 and began working at the School District in the Maintenance Department. There, I focused on pool maintenance, groundwater surveillance, and the quality of drinking water in the Rucker and San Ysidro schools. My work in this field made it possible for the success of children in our community, where I have made it my goal to continue this into my work today.

My past four years as a board member have been spent focused on our district facilities, ensuring that they are equitable for every member of Gilroy. I have focused on the details of our community buildings to verify that they meet the standards to provide the best education to our students.

As a long-time member of the District and Board, I have found two prominent issues that I want to tackle in my next term: distance learning and civil unrest.

Within the framework of distance learning, we need to ensure all students have the necessary tools to achieve success. There is a disparity across our town when accessing school this year, which is why I want to bridge the gap between the communities. We must implement a widespread distribution of Chromebooks and Wi-Fi hotspots emphasized in typically overlooked areas. Likewise, when we begin the transition to return to school, our campuses must be sanitized to ensure safety for students and staff, including personal protective equipment for all.

Additionally, civil unrest is a real issue in our country that must be addressed. Everyone, regardless of one’s identity, deserves to feel acknowledged and respected. Our American History, though not perfect, is our country’s story and we must work for equality, equity, and inclusion for each community member.

I pride myself in the past work I have done during my time at GUSD and I hope to continue this into the future as a member seeking re-election for Gilroy’s School Board.