Q&A with District 1 candidate Johnny Khamis
Johnny Khamis
Why are you running for Santa Clara County Supervisor and what makes you qualified to represent District 1?
I am running because I am tired of being asked to pay continuously increasing taxes to solve problems like housing, homelessness and crime while getting very little results. In my 8 years as a council member, I have led efforts to make government more efficient, customer friendly and completely transparent. I led an effort to streamline and reduce the cost of small home remodeling including adding additions. I saved the city millions in rent when I introduced the idea of using city owned facilities for off-site staff instead of renting additional office space. While serving on the VTA, I helped uncover millions of dollars in unsubstantiated billing from a vendor providing contract transportation services to the city. As supervisor, I will use my 20 years of business and financial experience in addition to my 8 years in elected office to help make the county more efficient, transparent and accountable so that we can get all the services that we pay for.
What in your opinion is the single most important challenge specific to South Valley residents and how do you intend to address it?
Rising crime, homelessness and gridlock affect our entire community. I have worked hard on laws like Laura’s Law which, if passed by the county, will help our mentally ill, homeless population who are in trouble with the law, get the help they need. In my 6 years serving on the VTA, I have fought for transportation dollars to go to south county to fix and expand roads and increase transit options. As your supervisor, I will look for innovative ways to help those on our streets. and make sure people leaving our jails have the services they need to get back on the right track instead of becoming homeless or going back to crime. I will work with religious leaders, non-profit organizations, schools and businesses to help bring opportunities to our at-risk youth so that they do not turn to crime. I will work to ensure that we add CAL trains trips that south county was promised in the last 2 tax measures.
How do you intend to protect and enhance the unique quality of life for the people of the South Valley?
As your supervisor, I will host regularly scheduled, open to the public, community meetings (no appointment necessary) to listen to the concerns of the community. I will also meet and work with local elected officials and public safety staff to address any concerns that the county can help with. Being a small business owner, I will work with the chambers to protect and insure the livelihoods of local small businesses. I will work to ensure that we add CAL trains trips that south county was promised in the last 2 tax measures. I will fight to make sure that the south county receives its fair share of county resources.
To learn more about Johnny Khamis, visit https://www.johnnykhamis.com/