Around Town … with Robert Airoldi: Take a leisurely stroll through the Gilroy AAUW’s annual Quilt Show
Gilroy AAUW has been supporting student scholarships for 30 years and Tech Trek for 20 years
By Robert Airoldi

Robert Airoldi
The Gilroy Branch of the American Association of University Women invites the public to view a collection of custom quilts designed and created by quilters throughout the Bay Area.
The event will be held from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., Saturday, May 7, at the IFDES Lodge, 250 Old Gilroy St..
Attendees will have the opportunity to view custom quilts and the stories the quilts tell through fabric, color, and design. Each quilt takes hours to produce a finished piece, and patterns are based on mathematical calculations to ensure the balance and symmetry.
Although a leisure art in today’s world, quilting responded to necessity in its early history in America by providing bedding, recycling of fabric, and helped support war efforts during WWI and WWII. Some heritage quilts at the Quilt Show available for viewing are more than 50 years old.
As a part of the Quilt Show, attendees are invited to enjoy a light luncheon of tea sandwiches and dessert. In addition, a bed turning exhibit of quilts, demonstrations on quilting techniques, a boutique, raffles, and a chance to win a custom designed Opportunity Quilt are all part of the $30 ticket.
Proceeds from the Gilroy AAUW Quilt Show underwrite scholarships for graduating seniors, as well as sending girls exiting the 7th grade to the Tech Trek residential STEM program.
Gilroy AAUW has been supporting student scholarships for 30 years and Tech Trek for 20 years, providing pathways into science and math careers for young women.
To purchase tickets or donate in support of the Gilroy AAUW student scholarship programs, contact Judy Bozzo at 408.607.1621 or [email protected].
The Gilroy Foundation has awarded $474,629 to nonprofit organizations and schools during their 2022 Annual Giving Program. A total of 24 competitive grants were funded for a distribution of $92,113. Additionally, organizations received funding of $221,860 from designated funds and $160,656 from donor advised funds.
In 2022, they also funded 80 scholarship awards totaling $512,750.
Since 1980, Gilroy Foundation has awarded more than $16.3 million in grants and scholarships to date.
“Foundation grants and scholarships have made a positive and powerful difference in every sphere of life in the community,” Executive Director Donna Pray told us.
Because the annual meeting and charitable giving presentation was once again a virtual announcement, award checks are being mailed to all the grant recipients.
For additional information, visit the Gilroy Foundation website at
The Arts are alive in Gilroy. Last year councilmember Zach Hilton was contacted by SV Creates (Santa Clara County Arts Council) to build a relationship that wasn’t here prior in Gilroy. From those first initial meetings blossomed into an Arts Círculo held at 6th St Art Studios and around the corner at the Neon Exchange.
“Today we have a monthly Arts RoundTable, and so many doors continue to open,” Hilton said. “Continuing to break down barriers of the past is my role and duty that I owe you as your councilmember. To me it’s about a livable Gilroy for all, and one that has representation from all in this community.
The grant funding opportunity provided by Blue Shield of California for this mural is a direct result of the relationships built out of the Arts Roundtable. They recently unveiled a mural by Armando Franco and his Gilroy Youth cohort that represents the voice of the Gilroy youth and reflects a vision for a healthy Gilroy community, while recognizing its diversity.
“In a recent community workshop on housing, it was stated that 38 percent of our population is 24 years and younger. So, this is my call to action of you to get involved, and be a part of the government decision process. Get politically active today,” he said,
The City’s 2022 Citywide Pavement Maintenance Project is underway, with street improvement efforts anticipated to start in early summer.
The 2022 Pavement Project is anticipated to improve 149 segments on 138 streets and 67 curb ramps. $3.9 million in funding has been allocated towards the 2022 Pavement Project consisting of $900,000 Measure B funds, $900,000 SB-1 funds, $350,000 Gas Tax funds, and $1.75 million General Funds.
Streets are selected for improvement based on a Pavement Management Program (PMP) developed by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC), and the city council-approved five-year Street Repair Program.
This strategy balances the comprehensive need for pavement maintenance throughout the city and the need for repairing some of the failed major roadways to maximize the life of roads and the benefit to the community.
The 2022 Pavement Project is currently out for bid. Bids and the current construction cost may affect the final project scope, including the proposed streets for improvement. For a map of proposed streets selected for improvement, visit
For more information on the City’s 2022 Pavement Maintenance Project, visit the City’s website:
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Finally, Dylan Taylor, a 25-year-old from Gilroy who attended St. Mary’s School then graduated from Christopher High School, recently won $10,000 on the televised game show “Let’s Make a Deal.”
To view his portion of the show, visit
Way to go, Dylan!