Johnny Khamis


District 1 County Supervisor Candidate Johnny Khamis

Johnny Khamis

We all deserve to feel safe, expect accountability, and have an accessible and action-oriented leader. We can’t keep electing leaders with the same ideas to address our growing problems.

As a San Jose Councilmember and Board Member of the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA), I stopped wasteful spending, increased the number of public safety officers, and found ways to streamline government services.

As your supervisor, I will use my 20 years as a financial advisor to fight against wasteful spending, work to increase public safety, and improve our mental health and drug addiction systems.

My plan:

Expand services and housing opportunities for the unhoused by repurposing underutilized county-owned clinics and properties to create inpatient drug addiction and mental health centers.

Improve public safety and traffic enforcement by increasing the number of deputies in the Sheriff’s office.

Create measurable goals on homelessness and assign a manager to oversee departments that serve the unhoused.

Implement Conservatorship laws to mandate help for those who are too mentally ill, or drug addicted to make decisions to help themselves.

Identify areas of unwise and unnecessary spending through audits.

Invest our limited transportation dollars to move people efficiently from where we live and work.

Continue to preserve open spaces like Santa Teresa Foothills and North Coyote Valley as I did when I was on San Jose Council.

Endorsed by:

  • Supervisor Mike Wasserman and Former Supervisor Don Gage.
  • San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo, Vice Mayor Chappie Jones, Councilmembers Dev
  • Davis, Pam Foley.
  • Gilroy Mayor Marie Blankley
  • Gilroy Councilmembers Peter Leroe-Muñoz, Dion Bracco, Carol Marques, and Fred Tovar
  • Morgan Hill Former Mayor Steve Tate
  • Morgan Hill Councilmembers Gino Borgioli, John McKay
  • Former San Jose Police Chief Eddie Garcia
  • Former Acting Chief Dave Knopf
  • Former Gilroy Police Chief Scot Smithee
  • Gilroy and Morgan Hill Police Officers’ Associations
  • Silicon Valley Taxpayers Association.

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