Guest column by Jeff Orth: New Downtown Business Association chairman sees promise for future

Downtown Gilroy is at a tipping point as lots of exciting developments are happening

Photo by Marty Cheek
Evelyn Ortiz dances with her one-year-old daughter Lelia to music performed by JJ Hawg at the June 16, 2022 Downtown Live season opening concert. The concert series is sponsored by the Gilroy Downtown Business Association.

By Jeff Orth

Jeff Orth

Exciting things are happening in downtown Gilroy these days.

The Gilroy Downtown Business Association started the year with a full and diverse board of directors. This group of dedicated leaders focus on creating a downtown that is safe, clean, welcoming and interesting. They want a downtown where both locals and out-of-town folks will want to bring their families to enjoy our Gilroy community.

The GDBA board has been restructured using a block captain strategy. Each director has taken responsibility for an area of the downtown. We all walk at least our own areas at least a couple times each month, talking to business owners, property owners and downtown visitors. This is designed to create ongoing conversation with the community to help connect business and property owners with GDBA, city of Gilroy, Gilroy Chamber of Commerce, Economic Development Corporation and other services that may help their business prosper. The conversations we have with those visiting the downtown help us to get a better idea of what people are looking for and would be willing to drive some distance to enjoy a memorable experience.

Gilroy is at a tipping point and the strong working relationship developed between the GDBA, city of Gilroy, Chamber and Economic Development Corporation will be instrumental in helping Gilroy truly become a recreation destination — a place where people want to live, work and play.

The city, the Rotary Clubs and volunteers make the downtown more interesting and attractive. Keep your eye on downtown during the next couple of months. I think you are going to like what you see.

It seemed to me the Hispanic community of business and property owners in downtown had been unintentionally underserved. So, I recently reached out and had a meeting, expecting 10-20 people to show up. In fact, we had 32 in attendance. As it turns out, I spent most of our two hours listening to their concerns and the struggles they faced in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. I let them know the block captains and I are eager to have conversations with them and connect them to resources. For example, we can help them get free help setting up a small business loan, find out who to talk with at the city for financial assistance to improve the front of their building, or who to talk with at the chamber to better promote their business on social media. It was a great meeting with much mutual enthusiasm. I talked to them about what they can do to help each other and the downtown as a whole. I am excited about the outcome of this meeting.

Very few things of value are done alone. The GDBA is looking for people who love Gilroy and want to help our city become the best version of itself. If you’re interested in volunteering, please let me know by emailing me at [email protected].

I am excited about the future of our downtown. Together, I know we can do a lot!

Jeff Orth is the chairman of the board for the Gilroy Downtown Business Association. He owns Integrated Financial Benefits located downtown.


Guest Column