Archive May 8 – 21, 2024 Gilroy Life
Click on headlines below to discover the latest news and opinions in our community
Click on the Main Story headline below to learn about the South Valley Symphony’s Mother’s Day concert and pianist Aidan Kwon.
Main story: Symphony celebrates season finale with Mother’s Day concert
Government: Mayor strikes optimistic tone in annual address
Election: Landscape contractor Greg Bozzo launches run for Gilroy mayor
Editorial: County must balance equity, fairness in public contracts
Environment: County Parks celebrates 100 years with new programs and initiatives
Education: MHUSD students enjoy fresh meals from former Google chef
Your Retirement … with Marisa Otto: Do you know how your retirement income is going to be taxed?
Your Estate … with James Ward: The surviving spouse and their heirs often aren’t properly protected
Celebrate Life: Theresa Marie Maxian Swan