Guest column by Luke Powell: Leadership’s Healing Paws brings comfort with therapy dogs

“Healing Paws is a community project, and we need support.”

A dog that will go through the Healing Paws therapy training. Photo courtesy Leadership Gilroy Class of 2024


By Luke Powell

Luke Powell

In a world where stress and anxiety are all too common, the power of a wagging tail and a warm, furry hug can’t be underestimated. This is the driving force behind Healing Paws, an innovative new program in our community that is set to make a lasting impact.

Healing Paws is a Leadership Gilroy Class of 2024 project — a testament to our class’s dedication to creating meaningful, lasting change in our community. We recognized the profound need for comfort and emotional support, and we knew we wanted to address this in a way that would resonate deeply with the people of Gilroy.

Healing Paws is not just another therapy dog initiative. It’s a carefully crafted partnership that brings together local shelters and the expertise of Mary Cortani, the executive director of San Martin-based nonprofit Operation Freedom Paws. Renowned for her work in pairing veterans with service dogs, Cortani is lending her experience to help us select and train the perfect canine companions for this project.

The dogs chosen for Healing Paws will undergo specialized training to ensure they are ready to bring comfort and healing to those who need it most. Whether it’s visiting local schools, hospitals, or community events, these therapy dogs will be on a mission to spread joy and ease the burdens of daily life.

But we can’t do it alone. Healing Paws is a community project, and we need support. We invite you to learn more about our program by visiting There you can find detailed information about our mission, the dogs we work with, and how you can get involved. If you feel moved to contribute, donations can be made through Square Payment — every dollar helps us bring more dogs into the program and reach more people in need.

You can also follow the journey of our dogs on social media, where we share updates, heartwarming stories, and the incredible progress these animals are making. It’s a great way to stay connected and see firsthand the difference your support makes.

To kick off our efforts, we’re hosting a bowling tournament Sept. 17 at Gilroy Bowl. This fun-filled event is a perfect opportunity to support Healing Paws while enjoying a day out with friends and family. All proceeds will go directly to the program, helping us cover the costs of training, equipment, and outreach.

Healing Paws is more than just a project. It’s a movement to bring comfort, healing, and happiness to our community. We hope you’ll join us on this journey — whether through donations, attending our events, or simply spreading the word.

For more information, visit our website and follow us on social media. Together, we can make a difference, one paw at a time.

Luke Powell is a captain with the Gilroy Police Department and a member of the Leadership Gilroy Class of 2024. He wrote this column for Gilroy Life.

Guest Column