Marie Blankley – Candidate statement 2024

As your Mayor, Gilroy’s financial health and ability to deliver the city services residents deserve are the driving forces that motivate me to serve. Gilroy needs experienced and trusted leadership at the helm: As a CPA (Certified Public Accountant), Gilroy native, and 7-year public servant, I am uniquely qualified to lead our city. As I promised in 2020 when I was elected Mayor, I have been working hard to keep Gilroy fiscally sound, to improve our street conditions and our regional transportation infrastructure, to better our public transit options, and to foster economic growth that’s balanced with housing growth. I aim to safeguard the quality of life we all treasure for our families, youth and seniors.

Since the end of the pandemic shutdown, business investment has flourished in Gilroy.  In 2023, Pulmuone Foods completed a $32 million facility expansion, and Sharks Ice Gilroy is underway to bring a $40+ million investment to the Gilroy Sports Park. The commercial center at 10th & Chestnut (home to Chick-Fil-A) will soon include a 5-story Hyatt Hotel and other commercial uses. Numerous businesses have opened throughout the city, and nearly $7 million of public dollars has been invested in our downtown to help building owners improve their building facades, to add walkable and well-lit parking, to repave Railroad Alley and to rebuild Gourmet Alley, providing our first pedestrian-only space downtown for dining, shopping and community enjoyment. Also under my leadership, we celebrated the addition of a 4th commuter train, a new recycled water pipeline, and expanded services at St. Louise Hospital. We continue to fund annually the Section 115 Trust I led to establish in 2019 to pay down our unfunded public employee retirement debt, and to date we have funded 4 of our 5-year commitment to improving our streets.

My track record is clear: I get things done for Gilroy. I am committed to bringing Gilroy a community center, to ensuring our 4th fire station and adding public safety staffing, to securing the funding to extend Santa Teresa Blvd across Castro Valley Road and connect to the US101/SR25 interchange, and to pressing the County to follow through on our 2022 agreement for funding real solutions to homelessness in Gilroy through Measure A and keep them accountable.

I would be honored to have your vote for re-election.