Stefanie Elle – Candidate statement 2024

Why Vote for Stefanie Elle for Gilroy City Council?

Qualifications and Experience

Since 2021, I’ve served as a Planning Commissioner, known for asking tough questions and ensuring decisions are based on data and the needs of our community. Too often, decisions are made without fully considering long-term impacts on residents and businesses. With a background in engineering, I bring a practical, data-driven approach to solving problems. I listen, I learn, and I take action—qualities that will guide me on the Council.

Motivation for Running for Public Office

Change is difficult, but it’s necessary for progress. I’m running because I’m committed to asking the hard questions and pushing for accountability, even when it’s uncomfortable. Our city deserves leadership that positions Gilroy as a forward-thinking community. No one wants to be left behind and I’m dedicated to ensuring Gilroy thrives.

Vision for Gilroy and Key Issues

My vision is a Gilroy where progress is inclusive, decisions are transparent and we take the time to do things right. My key priorities are:

  • Economic Growth and Housing Solutions: Supporting local businesses, attracting industries that create good jobs and ensuring housing meets the needs of our community while maintaining neighborhood character.
  • Positioning Gilroy for Success: Developing a Business Development Plan to align Gilroy with forward-thinking cities. By securing contracts that protect the city and being proactive, we’ll ensure Gilroy is prepared for growth and future opportunities.
  • Strengthening City Hall: Building in-house expertise to handle complex issues, reducing reliance on external consultants, and improving city responsiveness.
  • Homelessness: Implementing evidence-based solutions that provide real help and hold all parties accountable.

What Sets Me Apart

I’m not here to offer quick fixes. Real change takes time, but I’m confident we can build a strong foundation by focusing on long-term solutions. I will collaborate with other council members on the dais to create policies that benefit our community. My commitment to transparency, accountability, and independence sets me apart. I’m running a true grassroots campaign to be a voice for the people of Gilroy, not special interests.