Gilroy and South Bay Extended Weather Forecast

Weather Warning: Expect rain, wind gust starting Saturday night

By |Environment|

National Weather Service forecasts rain for

Santa Clara County January 19-22

The National Weather Service is forecasting a wet weekend in Santa Clara County, with rain arriving Friday and continuing into the night, light rain on Saturday and increased rainfall Saturday night and into next week. The system could reduce visibility and increase the risk of vehicle hydroplaning and clogged storm drains. Conditions are also forecast to be windy, and downed trees and branches are possible, so pedestrians and drivers should be aware of debris.


The risk from this system is forecasted to be minor based on the current outlook. However, Valley Water encourages you to be prepared for winter weather. Don’t wait until a storm is here to take actions that could make a difference in an emergency. Sign up for emergency alerts, have an emergency plan and know where to get sandbags. Here are some resources that can help.

  • Free, filled sandbags are available for Santa Clara County residents. Our sites are listed HERE.
  • Santa Clara County emergency alert system AlertSCC provides up-to-date information on emergencies and disasters in your area.
  • Spills, blockages, or dumping in creeks can be reported by calling Valley Water’s watershed hotline at 408-630-2378.
  • More flood safety tips and resources are available at This page includes an informational Get Flood Ready mailer in English, Spanish, Chinese and Vietnamese.


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